After the disaster the pitcars (narrow-gauge mine cars) were brought up from below. The cars were 6x3 with two axles and
had a section of the car that opened up to "tip" the contents where desired.
Notice the various structures that surround the imposing tipple. There is a carpenter shop, blacksmith shop, miners oil
storage bldg., mule barn, engine house, and boiler house to name a few. Each building had an important function here at the
mine site.
The miners who worked below would fill the cars and then connect them together with others. The mules pulled the mine cars
to the mainshaft where the cages were. Only two could fit upon the main cage at a time. It was the job of the cager to take
the empties from the main cage and put the loads on.
See Terminology page for descriptions on various job positions at the coal mine and other related terms.