
LaSalle Rock Island Depot 1943 |

The Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul RR depot |

Was about two blocks east of Moore's Root beer Stand |
Another view of the MIlw depot in Oglesby |

The Milwaukke Rd (C.M. & ST. P. RR) Mendota IL |

!970's photo by Louis Richards |
New York Central Depot in Streator IL |

Illinois Central Depot in Oglesby IL |

Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR at LaSalle IL |

Located at bottom of Creve Coeur St across tracks of the Rock Island |
LaMoille Depot on the C.B. & Q. RR |

On the Denrock branch which came off at Mendota IL |
Thanks to Jayson Tuntland for this nice image |

CBQ Train at Depot in LaMoille IL 1920s |
Triumph IL depot on the Chicago Northwestern RR |

Other end of Triumph Depot CNW RR |

Granville IL Depot |

Cedar Point IL Depot |

The Chicago Milwaukee and ST. Paul RR (C.M.& St.Paul RR) |
Tonica IL depot of the ICRR |

The ICRR operated the old mainline from 1855 to 1986 |
Illinois Central RR Depot in Tonica 1950s |

Rutland depot on the ICRR |

Lostant Depot ICRR La Salle County |




Ladd C.B. & Q. RR depot |

Ladd had five railroads run through the town |
Depot in Ladd Photo by Ray Tutaj Jr |

The Milwaukee Road depot (C. M. & ST. P. ) |

MIlwaukke depot at Ladd w Train |

Notice coal mine tipple in background |
United States Express Co. |

It also says American Express Co. and Western Union Telegrah on the bldg. |
ICRR depot in Amboy still stands |

Amboy IL IC headquarters 1913 |

Amboy depot 1920 |

Amboy Depot is worth a visit! It still exists and looks good. |
Derailment near Amboy depot |

Looking Northwest snap shot Photos from Amboy depot |
ICRR Sublette IL. 1955 |

Photographer unknown |
Sublette IL depot |

Arlington IL depot on the C.B. & Q. RR |


Tower was in North east corner of Diamond |
Earville Depot of the CNW |

SIngle track and depot similiar to Triumph depot |
McNabb Depot early 1900s |

Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul RR depot in Cherry |

Built in 1905 and torn down in the 1950s Coal mine closed in 1928 |
Cherry Depot |

The Coal Mine Disaster happenedon Nov 13 1909 |

Roxbury was North of Welland. See timetable on MIlwaukee page and scroll down |
STEWARD Junction MILW depot |

CBQ train in backfground heading southward. This view is looking Northeast |
The Rock Island Depot at LaSalle |

Bureau IL Rock Island RR depot |

Rock Island Depot in Peru IL |

ICRR Train Coming into Oglesby Station |

Looking North the Depot was located on left side of tracks near road overpass |
Oglesby IL ICRR depot |

Photo author Unknown Looking Southward. See downtown bldgs in background |
ICRR Depot Oglesby |

IC had two depots One near the main road and one further north |
C.B.& Q. RR. Depot in Peru IL |

Mendota Union Depot the finest in the area |

39 passenger trains a day serviced this depot in the early 1900's |
The freight end of depot was torn down in late 50s |

The depot still stands today in Mendota |
The last version of IC depot in LaSalle |

The Gulf Mobile & Ohio RR depot in Streator IL |

The C.B.&Q. RR depot in leonore |

The famous Leonore Bank Robbery happened in this town |
The Burlington Northern depot in Amboy IL |

The Santa Fe RR depot in Streator IL |

The Milwaukee Rd depot in Mendota IL |

C.B. & Q. Depot in Peru IL |

Utica Rock Island depot |

ICRR Depot today. Photo by Ray Tutaj Jr. |

Has many fine historic displays inside |
Ole Ottawa depot of Rock Island |

IAIS in 1999 photo by Ray Tutaj jr. |
Ottawa Depot with CSX train 1999 |

Photo by Ray Tutaj Jr |
Princeton IL Depot early 1900s |

C.B.&Q. RR |
Princeton depot looking east early900s |

C.B. &Q. RR |
Troy Grove IL CNW RR |

The Chicago and Northwestern RR |
Zearing IL depot of C.B.&Q. RR |

Located between Princeton and Mendota |

ZEARING IL looking east |

Spring Valley IL Rock Island Depot |

Wyanet Depot of C.B. & Q. RR |

Depue IL Depot of Rock Island RR |

Depue Depot copy from Depue Library |

Seatonville in Bureau County Milwaukee Road depot |

Pic say C. M. & ST. P and C.I. & S RR (CHicago, Indiana & Southern) |
Howe Depot |

Howe was about 3 miles from Seatonville and 1 mile from Depue |
Howe Depot in distance |

ICRR depot in Galena IL 1995 |

Photo by Ray Tutaj Jr |
Matoon IL Depot of ICRR |

Photo by Ray Tutaj Jr 2000 |
Inside the Matoon Depot in yr 2000 |

Photo by Ray Tutaj Jr |
Ohio IL Depot with Train |

OHIO illinois CBQ Depot |

The Chicago and Alton RR Granville Illinois Depot |

The Rutland, Toluca and Northern RR served this depot |
The New York Central Railroad Line |

Also came into the area and served the Granville Depot pictured above |
ICRR depot in Forreston IL |

The ICRR Historical bldg headquarters |

Located in Paxton Illinios. |
If you are interested in Illinois central Railroad history then visit the Paxton IL depot. This is the headquarters for
the ICRR historical society. They are only open the 2nd and 4th weekend of each month. Call ahead to make sure there will
be someone there. They have many great displays and photographs plus some model trains for sale.
Sharing things you might be interested in such as local history, photography, transportation,
a novel and art.

